The Fritter Festival of Roccantica

Sagra dell Fritello at Roccantica

The Sagra dell Fritello, or fritter festival, is held every year in Roccantica on the sunday following the Saints day of San Guiseppe (19th of March), in 2016 that should be 20th March.

The fritelle are cauliflower florets, dipped in batter and rapidly fried in enormous vats of oil set up in the piazza.

It’s a very popular local festival, and with good reason, the fritelle are absolutely delicious! You might not think fried cauliflower sounds too appealing but believe me they are, especially eaten straight from the pan on a sunny afternoon in early spring (accordions optional).

As well as the food the Sagra normally features local craft and food stalls and performances by the local medieval drumming group.

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