Roccantica and the Festa of Sant’Antonio Abate

Roccantica Festa of Sant'Antonio Abate

Roccantica and the Festa of Sant’Antonio Abate

The 17th of January in Italy marks the Saint’s day of St Antonio Abate, protector of domestic animals. It’s a popular festival, especially in rural areas like the Sabina, when local priests will bless animals, and, in many places, agricultural machinery and cars too!

I headed up to the neighbouring village of Roccantica, where locals were gathering with their animals to be blessed. Roccantica is an extraordinarily well preserved medieval village, nestled on the mountainside among forests. More about Roccantica in a later blog post!

It was a beautiful bright january morning, and the main piazza of Roccantica was full of animals and their owners. Unfortunately I missed the actual blessing with the priest, but the piazza was still full of people chatting and admiring the animals, and tucking into some delicious fava bean stew being served up by the local ladies.

There were mostly horses and dogs, but also a pen of sheep and a very fine looking cow

The horses were all beautifully groomed and dressed up in their finery. There are a number of riding stables locally, but horses and mules are also still used on the steep mountain slopes for transporting firewood.

Up in the winding streets of the village, the cats were staying aloof from the whole affair, and taking advantage of the winter sun!

Villa degli Armeni – private rental villa near Rome
